Asset Home Page

Project Description

Petroleum Engineering and Operations Team Leads and Asset Managers spend up to 2 Hrs per day digging into several databases to evaluate their assets performance daily.

This project was intended to provide Team Leads and Managers easy access to all the required information to establish their assets’ performance. The data had to include production, injection, deferments and surface or sub-surface operating envelope compliance, in one location.

Achieved Business Benefits

Asset homepage display total asset performance in a standard way for all 15 oil, gas and EOR assets.

Automation of corporate data access results in significant saving of asset leadership time. 1.75 Hrs per day of team leads time saved in 15 assets – 3.3 FTEs

Production and deferment performance against targets at a glance.

Automation allows insights at a detailed level to be presented daily; compared to infrequently before. This includes 2nd level analysis pages (e.g. deferment analysis, water-balance, Limit Diagrams… etc.) accessible by a single-click.

Leadership time now spent closing performance gaps and realizing opportunities instead of looking for them.

Automation + Standardization overcomes discipline bias.


The Tool

Asset Home Page

3.3 FTEs

Saved Team-Leads and
Sr. Engineers time