Deferment Booking and Analysis for Producer Wells
Project Description
To provide visibility of deferment data for production wells for any asset, over any time period and broken down by deferment code as input to the Production System Optimisation (PSO) review.
Reduce the time taken for PTs / Programmers to analyze deferment data history in order to identify focus areas for the PSO review (which then results in the identification of opportunities to reduce the deferment).
Make the deferment data visible and available to the full production system team.
The deferment booking tool relates the failure alarms from the EBM system to the booked deferments in Energy Components (EC) and highlights mismatches between the two systems. The tool offers an easy to use interface to book the deferements directly in Energy Components based on the exception data already available.
Achieved Business Benefits
Approximate saving of 4 hrs per PSO review preparation (200 hrs per year).
Improved knowledge and visibility of what is causing deferment for a particular asset (previously not there).
Improved focus during the PSO and identification of opportunities to reduce deferment.
Improved deferment booking and as a result better hydrocarbon allocation

The Tool

Daily Deferment Analysis report for producer wells

Deferment Booking tool

Man-hours/year saved