Exception Based Management for Waterflooded Reservoirs

Project Description

Improving efficiency of Water-Flooded (WF) reservoir performance through operating envelopes (Res_OE)

40% of production is from water-Flooding IOR

Performance analysis of a WF pattern takes 2-weeks

Well-Staffed WF task forces have arrested WF declines in the past, but the performance was difficult to sustain after they left

Achieved Business Benefits

Lean workshops defined Standard Leading reservoir performance KPIs (Res_OE) for Water-Floods (WF).

Lean business processes helped WF asset teams improve their compliances to Res_OEs by 20-50%.

Lean implementation initially in Excel Sheets, but asset teams demanded entire WF Lean process moved to Nibras for sustainability. (75% completed in Oct. 2017)

WF pattern performance analysis now done in 2-hours, compared to 2-weeks prior to Lean process.

Nibras enable assets to monitor their WF portfolio at a glance (at asset, field and pattern levels), ensuring man-agers send resources to opportunities of highest value.

Customer WF NFA production declines improved by 5-10%.

Pilots on Gas, GOGD, Thermal and Chemical EOR recovery mechanism just been completed.

Next Step: Full Reservoir EBS including end-to-end automated workflows to manage them


The Tool

Reservoir Compliance Summary shows WF (Water-Flood) reservoir compliance for all fields in a given asset. The portfolio view allows leadership to focus efforts on fields with highest value opportunities/gaps.

Lean WF Reservoir Management helped multiple asset teams focus their efforts on improving compliance to Res_OE. Performance of one of client’s largest WFs is in the table above.

Reservoir Visual Control at field level show WF-Patterns’ Compliance highlighting opportunities at portfolio level

Reservoir Visual Control at Pattern level show non-compliant patterns and highlight highest-value opportunities


Improvement in WF OE compliance

>13 FTEs

Reduced Engineering time on Reservoir pattern analysis from 2-wks to 2-Hrs


Improvement in WF NFA Declines

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