Our History: PDO's Digital Transformation Journey leading to iNNOVATEQ
Fahud Observer (EBS in Excel)
EBS applied 660 wells in the Fahud Asset. Saved 1 man-week per month of PE time and generated 1% extra production.
Nibras 2.0 (Lean Based Nibras)
Lean based Nibras focused on asset owners as “the customer”. Implemented basic EBS with partial lean workflows and Management dashboards. Achieved adoption breakthrough (65 users to 350 in 5 months)
iNNOVATEQ is born
PDO commercializes Nibras through iNNOVATEQ to share with the industry best practices gained from their successful and practical digital transformation, and to generate ICV for Oman
Global Exposure
iNNOVATEQ signed up for an exciting journey with Shell to launch a new commercial chapter for Shell’s Production Universe (PU) software in more than 6 countries and 14 Shell affiliated assets.
Shurooq Platform
First basic web based dashboarding platform to visualize all of PDO’s available well surveillance data
Nibras Platform (version 1.0)
Web-based data analytics platform providing EBS (Exception Based Surveillance) to multiple assets
Nibras 3.0 (Full Digital Transformation)
Full digital transformation solution, including automatad analytics, smart prioritized end-to-end Lean workflows and management dashboards. Used by 1,900 users to effectively manage PDO’s 15 Oil, Gas and EOR assets.
Nibras NX (Fully Commercial, State-of-the-Art)
State-of-the-art fully commercial version of Nibras encompassing experience from a decade of successful digital transformation. International awards, industry-wide interest and pilot outside Oman.
WRFM Transformation Project - BSP
iNNOVATEQ started a new WRFM DT journey with BSP, Bringing a multiyear contract for Nibras featured modules to enable BSP’s WRFM Digital Transformation.