Well Management

Well Monitoring by Exception

Monitor well performance for failures, optimizations by exception enforcing roles and responsibilities

Well Test Planning, Validation and Analysis

Automatic scheduling of well testing, integration with well test control package and automatic rule based validation of well tests.Integration of well test data with real time well head parameters and test unit reliability graphs

Deferment Booking and Analysis

Improved deferment booking accuracy through integration of EBS system with hydro carbon allocation system

Well Integrity Management

APM planning and MAASP monitoring by exception.Comparison of well counts in different systems (SAP, EDM, EWIPS/EWIMS, EC)


Electronic version of all information available for a well starting from drilling records, completion diagrams, diagnostic and interference plots to uploads of data files.

Lab Sample Analysis

Integration of LIMS system for requesting routine and none routine chemical analysis. Trending of sample analysis data together with Realtime data for better integrity management

Standard Exception Viewer prioritizes work of an individual based on value

SOPs guide engineers how to address each exception to a min. standard regardless of experience level.

Andon board shows exception handling performance across different assets, well types or roles