Nibras Case Studies

Asset Home Page
This project was intended to provide Team Leads and Managers easy access to all the required information to establish their assets’ performance.

Exception Based Management for Wells
A significant growth in well count with no chance of matching that with similar increase in staff. Increased efficiency in well management and opportunity value.

Exception Based Management for Data Quality
Monitors the real time data communication systems from sensor to desktop for any faults leading to data quality issues such as flatlining data, out of range, intermitted data.

Exception Based Management for Waterflooded Reservoirs
- Improving efficiency of Water-Flooded (WF) reservoir performance through operating envelopes (Res_OE).

Enhanced Asset Management through Nibras
- Integrated Asset

Monthly Limit Diagrams
Visualizes the Integrated Production System Capacity against the actual production for overall production system optimization review.

Deferment Booking and Analysis for Producer Wells
To provide visibility of deferment data for production wells for any asset, over any time period and broken down by...

Deferment Analysis for Water Injector Wells
This project was intended to provide Team Leads and Managers easy access to all the required information to establish their assets’ performance.

Single Opportunity Register
Many attempts were made to understand all opportunities within the company however managed very decentralized and with different categorizations.

Andon Board-Monitoring End-to-End Processes
Andon Board: Every human workflow can be monitored by Service Level Agreements (SLA) specified by the...

Nibras EBM Overview

Custom EBS Modules
This EBS configuration features the following:
Combining real-time data with manually updated data
Formulas Logic...

Exception Based Management for ESP Wells
Exception Based Monitoring system for ESP wells focusses on detecting failures and optimizations. The implementation originally started with parametric...

Exception Based Surveillance for major surface equipment
Pumps, Compressors, Tanks and Separators are being monitored by exception in a standardized way so that asset health can be measured...

Well Testing Overview

Well Test Management (COP Compliance)
Local regulations require production wells to be tested at certain frequencies. These are typically depending on production rates and..

Lab data integration
Making chemical analysis data available on the finger tips and trend them together with real time trends is your foundation for...

Well Review Process (E-Wellbook, FUP, Opportunity Register & Portfolio Mgt)
The well review process starts with the review of all the available data for a well in the E-WellBook which contains data...

Glycol and Amine Process Monitoring
Monitors Amine and glycol process against there operating envelopes to improve asset integrity using a combination of chemical analysis data and real time parameters...

Integrity Management (Corrosion Loops and APM)
Corrosion loop monitoring provide situational awareness on uncontrolled changes to fluid composition that affect static equipment technical integrity.

Live Operating Envelopes for Surface equipment's
To visualize Live Capacity Operating Envelopes for separators and tanks based on the DEP and link the exception based surveillance system for alert generation...

Asset Configuration Tools
Provides the end user the autonomy to update the software configurations of their assets to ensure ownership of data quality.

Allow from field staff to managers to access data outside the office environment to make better informed decisions quickly avoiding...